Managed PC for Windows 10

Windows 10 is now available through an updated Managed PC Amendment in SPLA. This allows Service Providers to provide the Windows Desktop OS on Rental PC’s. The pricing, sku, and use rights will remain the same. Please be aware that partners who wish to use Windows 10 will need to sign the updated Amendment in order to have rights to Windows 10 before offering to End Customers.
Please remember that you need to report the lead sku for use of the Windows client OS in addition to signing the Amendment.

Visual Studio 2015 – New version & editions of VS 2015 launches in SPLA Sept 2015

VS Premium 2013 & VS Ultimate 2013 editions will be removed. VS Enterprise 2015 edition is new. A license related to the use GNU Lesser General Public Licensed libraries has been included with Visual Studio Enterprise 2015, Visual Studio Professional 2015, Visual Studio Test Professional 2015, and Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 with SQL Server 2014 technology. You can find out more about the new editions and product line up here:

Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 SAL Replaces Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 SAL

The SKU’s of Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager have changed, but the price remains the same. The FIM per processor license is still available. Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 Functionality is now included in Windows Server 2012 R2. You will need both Windows Server 2012 R2 per processor licenses as well as the Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 SAL to use the Identity Manager functionality. Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 Functionality has been included with Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter, Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard, and Cloud Platform Guest.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM and SharePoint SAL without SQL

Microsoft Dynamics CRM versions have a requirements in order to operate correctly. Microsoft Dynamics CRM technology would surely need a Microsoft SQL database to store the entries. Below are the complete requirements to use Microsoft Dynamics CRM include:

  • Microsoft Windows Server
  • A Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory infrastructure
  • An Internet Information Services (IIS) website
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Microsoft Exchange Server or access to a POP3-compliant email server (optional)
  • Windows operating system when you use CRM for Outlook. Apple Mac, when running Apple Safari, supported tablet, or mobile device.
  • Supported web browser, such as later versions of Internet Explorer or the latest versions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.


  • Supported web browser, such as later versions of Internet Explorer or the latest versions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

SharePoint Requirements:

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Windows Server 2012 Standard or Datacenter

SharePoint Enterprise without SharePoint Standard

The SharePoint Subscriber Access License (SAL) is to be used in case:

  • There are only internal users (employees)
  • The external users are countable and SALs can be assigned to specific people.

sharepoint image1For each user accessing a SharePoint Server.

sharepoint image2For each user using the Enterprise features of SharePoint Server (includes PerformancePoint Services, Excel Services, and Visio Services)

Enterprise SALs are additive. To access the Enterprise features, a user must have both the Standard SAL and Enterprise SAL.

How to offer Microsoft Office Through SPLA

Offering a hosted Office solution requires the appropriate licensing of the entire software solution stack. The software solution stack includes Windows Server, Remote Desktop Services, and Microsoft Office.

Windows Server
You must license Windows Server in support of your Hosted Office solution. Windows Server is licensed in the following two licensing models in the SPLA program:

Per Processor: Web, Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter Editions
A Windows Server processor license is required to be assigned to each physical processor on the servers running the Hosted Office service.

Remote Desktop Services
A SAL for Remote Desktop Services (“RDS”) is required for each unique end user authorized to access the hosted Office service. Device SALs are not available. From the Services Provider Use Rights (SPUR):
“You must acquire a Windows Server Remote Desktop Services SAL for each user that directly or indirectly is authorized to access the server software to host a graphical user interface (using the Windows Server Remote Desktop Services functionality or other technology).”
Note that the Windows Server RDS SAL is required for delivering a graphical user interface even if you are not using RDS services.

Microsoft Office
A SAL for Microsoft Office is required for every unique end user who is authorized to access the hosted Office service. Device SALs are not available. The following editions of Microsoft Office are available through the SPLA program:

  • Office Standard
  • Office Professional Plus


K04 – Rental Amendment

The second option for the Service Provider to offer Microsoft Office would be through the K04 Rental Amendment.

Office Products must be physically installed on the Rental PCs and may not be used or run within virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware systems. The Device Software Products may not be installed on servers and/or delivered from a datacenter, regardless of whether the data center is owned, leased or otherwise outsourced by Customer or End User. The Device Software Product may not be accessed from another device.

“Rental PC” means a personal computer fully owned by or leased to Customer, which is rented/leased to an End User. A Rental PC must be physically supplied to the End User.

Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service for Hosting 2010 R2

Microsoft adds Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) Synchronization Service as a separate SPLA software product for partners that only need synchronization capabilities. FIM Synchronization Service is offered under the processor license model. Service providers should continue to report FIM User SALs when FIM issues or manages identity information.
Please review the latest SPUR.

Updates to Microsoft Exchange Standard Subscriber Access License (SAL)

Microsoft has added Unified Messaging (UM) capabilities to the Exchange Standard SAL in the April Services Provider Use Rights (SPUR). Service providers who report Exchange Standard SAL may deploy UM services starting April 1 at no additional charge from Microsoft.
Please review the latest SPUR.

Dynamics AX 2012 R3 to launch in SPLA license program

Microsoft announces plans to launch Dynamics AX 2012 R3 in the SPLA license program after July 1, 2014. The existing AX SAL model remains unchanged. We will improve the roles available with the Functional SAL and Task SAL. Service providers should download new license keys after July 1, 2014 to take advantage of improved capabilities and use rights. Microsoft also announces AX SAL price changes planned for January 1, 2015.



Enterprise User SAL FA8-00096
Enterprise Device SAL FA8- 00092
Functional User SAL FA8-00098
Functional Device SAL FA8-00093

Final USD prices will not be available for preview until September 15, 2014 (subject to change).

Lync server multi-tenant pack for partner hosting

Lync Server Multitenant Pack for Partner Hosting is a unified communications (UC) solution for telecom and hosting providers. The Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack features include integration with Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Outlook, and other communication technologies. Lync Server Multitenant Hosting Pack enables customers to manage geographically dispersed offices and mobile users in a way that reduces travel expenses, while maintaining highly collaborative team environments. Lync Server 2013 Hosting pack has been launched on June 2013.

Lync Server and Hosting Pack comparison

Lync Server provides the full capabilities across all Lync workloads and IT capabilities and should be the first consideration for Enterprise & Midmarket customers.


The Lync Hosting Pack is based on the multi-tenant architecture of Lync Online and is typically a more economical solution for customers with less than 250 users although it doesn’t support all of the Enterprise Voice & PBX features in Lync Server. These features can be enabled through third-party solutions to provide additional value added services.

To the left you see a comparison of the Lync Hosting Pack capabilities with those of the Lync Server

There are many opportunities to diversify your services and generate multiple revenue streams from your core Lync hosting practice.

Consider how to offer additional value-added services including:
One Time, Upfront fees: Network Assessments, Design and Deployment Services, Device resale, etc.

Recurring Revenue: Network Services, Audio/Video Conferencing, SIP Trunking, etc.
Upsell: Interop/Bridging, Concierge, ISV Marketplace, Custom Business Applications, etc.