Code of Conduct

Standard Code of Conduct

We at BPS operate our business based on respect, integrity and strict compliance with pertinent laws.

Our Code of Conduct rules and key principles should guide our employees conducting business with our customers.

BPS key principles are:

  • Human Rights We uphold the human rights of our employees, treat them with dignity and respect, and not use corporal punishment, threats of violence or other forms of coercion, harassment or abuse.
  • Forced Labor We prohibit any kind of forced or involuntary labor in BPS in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Child Labor We prohibit any kind of child labor in BPS. The minimum age for employment shall be the minimum age for employment in the country we operate in, or the age for completing compulsory education in the country, whichever is highest. However, any work which is likely to jeopardize children’s physical, mental or moral health should not be done by anyone under the age of 18 years. We support the use of legitimate workplace apprenticeship programs which comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Wages and Benefits We comply with all compensation-related laws and regulations, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours, legally mandated benefits, and other elements of compensation.
  • Discrimination We comply with applicable anti-discrimination laws.  Where local laws allow for differential treatment, we are committed to anti-discrimination principles and not to operate in a way that differentiates unfairly.
  • Health and Safety We comply with applicable laws governing health and safety at work. Furthermore, we operate in a business managed environment that implement an appropriate occupational health and safety management system which identifies the hazards, risks and controls to reduce risks, as well as clear management responsibility and accountability for health and safety.
  • Environmental Protection We operate in a manner that, at a minimum, complies with all applicable laws, regulations and standards to protect the environment. Further, we comply with any additional environmental requirements specific to the products or services being provided to customers, to implement suitable environmental management systems to minimize environmental impact and hazards, and to improve environmental protection in their daily operations.
  • Anti-competition We compete in a vigorous but fair manner and to comply with applicable antitrust laws and regulations. Further, we do not enter into anticompetitive agreements or take unfair advantage of any dominant market position we might hold.
  • Confidentiality We keep confidential and safeguard our and our customers’ information, even after the conclusion of the business relationship
  • Political campaign contributions BPS never contribute or support any political campaign for any party.
  • Conflict of Interest We make sure to avoid actual or potential conflict of interest in BPS, and to disclose information regarding any such conflicts.
  • Compliance and Monitoring of our Code of conduct rules We maintain documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with our BPS Standard Code of Conduct

BPS Values

At BPS, we are driven by a set of core values that shape our culture, guide our actions, and define how we operate as a united team. These values reflect our commitment to fostering a collaborative, respectful, and service oriented environment where every member contributes to our collective success. As employees of BPS, we embrace the below values.

  • U n i t y
  • H u m i l i t y
  • L e a d e r s h i p
  • P r o f e s s i o n a l i s m
  • C u s t o m e r   C e n t r i c i t y
  • I n n o v a t i o n  &  E x c e l l e n c e
  • V a l u e  C r e a t i o n  &  E m p o w e r m e n t

Anti-Corruption Rules

We at BPS operate our business based on respect, integrity and strict compliance with pertinent laws.

Our Code of Conduct rules and key principles should guide our employees conducting business with our customers.

  • Compliance with Anti-Corruption Laws: Each BPS Representative shall conduct itself with high ethical standards and comply with applicable anti-corruption laws. 
    No BPS Representative shall, directly or indirectly, promise, authorize, offer or pay anything of value (including gifts, travel tickets, hospitality, charitable donations or employment) to any government official or other party to improperly influence any act or decision of such official for the purpose of promoting the business interests of BPS in any respect, or to otherwise improperly promote the business interests of BPS in any respect.
  • Bribery and Corruption :BPS representatives will not take any action that would violate, or cause us to violate, any applicable anti-bribery law or regulation.
  • Gifts and Entertainment : We do not offer, promise or grant any gift or item of value, directly or indirectly, to any of our customers with the intent of securing preferential treatment or unfair business advantage. Gifts are never be offered secretly. Entertainment such as dinner invitations are never extravagant. Voyages & business trips have always a legitimate business purpose and are never be offered secretly.We focus our customer’s activities with our customers on BPS / Vendor allowed / approved activities, events, learning activities and logical vendor compensation plans/programs.
  • Facilitating Payments Prohibited: A facilitating payment is a small payment to secure or expedite a routine government action by a government official.  BPS prohibits bribes of any kind, including facilitating payments.
  • Representative Due Diligence:BPS conducts appropriate due diligence on BPS Representatives.
    Representatives must comply with BPS vetting procedures.
  • Money Laundering Prohibited: No BPS Representative shall use its relationship or status to disguise or attempt to disguise the sources of illegally obtained funds.
  • Accurate Books and Records:  Representatives must record payments and other compensation in their corporate books, records and accounts in a timely manner and in reasonable detail.
    No undisclosed or unrecorded accounts may be established for any purpose.
    False, misleading, incomplete, inaccurate or artificial entries in the books and records are prohibited.
    Personal funds may not be used to accomplish what is otherwise prohibited by this and other BPS policies.
  • Reporting: Representatives should report any concerns about violation of this policy or applicable laws to their legal department and/or their ethics and compliance assigned officer.
  • Compliance and Monitoring of our Anti- Corruption rules:We maintain documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with our BPS Anti-Corruption Rule.

We believe that concerns should be easily raised, so we added the following two channels for you. You can contact our compliance committee via email or via our whistleblowing form.
